Capac Elementary School Prek-6th

Welcome to Capac Elementary School
At Capac Elementary, we are dedicated to fostering a love for learning in every student, from Kindergarten through 6th grade. Our mission--Learn, Dream, Grow--guides us in creating an engaging and supportive educational experience where children can reach their full potential.
Our vision is to be recognized as a school and community that values education, positive character traits, and lifelong learning. We believe that every student is important, and that education is a shared responsibility among students, teachers, families, and the community. Together, we build a strong foundation for success.
At Capac Elementary, we are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment where students feel encouraged to explore, achieve, and grow. Through collaboration, dedication, and a passion for learning, we empower our students to become confident, compassionate, and capable individuals ready to take on the future.
We are proud to be a school where learning is an adventure, dreams are nurtured, and growth is celebrated.
Welcome to the Capac Elementary family!
Helpful Links
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30-4:00
Office Phone: 810-395-3636
Fax Number: 810-395-8086
351 W. Kempf Court,
P.O. Box 610, Capac, MI. 48014
School begins at 8:00 a.m. and dismisses at 2:55 p.m.
Half-day dismissal is at 11:15 am
Shannon Aubry-Hall, Principal,
Jennifer Allen, Secretary,, 810-395-3648
Elizabeth O'Neill, Spec. Ed./Elem. Secretary,, 810-395-3652
2023-2024 Points of Pride
Developmental Kindergarten (Young Five’s) programming
Smaller class sizes in Kindergarten classrooms
School-wide Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS), Positive Office Referrals, and CES Pride Points
Robust Multi-Tiered System of Support Program
Multiple staff members to support social-emotional needs
STEAM classes K-5
Junior FFL Lego Robotics
K-6 Smartboards in every classroom
1 to-1 devices in every classroom K-6
Family Engagement Nights
P.E.A.K. Parent Organization with great student, parent, and family-friendly engagement programming
Before and After School Latchkey Programming
Early Childhood Programming including ECSE, GSRP, Kids-N-Kare Preschool
Great Start to Quality Certificate of Recognition; “Demonstrating Quality” in our Early Childhood Programs
Child care available after Kids-N-Kare Preschool