Capac Jr. - Sr. High School 7-12th

Welcome to Capac Jr.-Sr. High School (7-12th grade)
We are a 7-12 grade building, offering incredible educational opportunities to our students. Intro. to Ag Science, STEM, Computer Science Discoveries (computer coding), Beginning Robotics, and Zoology are a few that are unique to our school. We may be smaller than other schools in St. Clair County, still, we strive to provide a variety of Advanced Placement classes for our students to choose from - Chemistry, Civics, Computer Science, Economics, English Language & Composition, English Literature & Composition, European History, Psychology, and World History! The courses are offered alternating years, allowing students to optimize their options.
Capac Jr. - Sr. High School students have the opportunity to choose to participate in the TEC program through St. Clair RESA, Middle College, Career & Technical Middle College, or Dual Enrollment. Extra-curricular opportunities include Future Farmers of America (FFA), Travel Club, International Travels Club, Yearbook, Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), National Honor Society, Jr. National Honor Society, Quiz Bowl, Robotics, LGBTQ+ Club, Spring Musical, Jr. High, and High School Student Council.
We continue the level of success established at Capac by building strong relationships with parents, students, staff, and community partners. We focus our attention on using data to inform instruction through NWEA, implement strategies to increase student achievement in the Common Core State Standards, review our science curriculum to align with Next Generation Science Standards and the Michigan Science Standards, and continue to provide quality programs you have come to expect from Capac Community Schools.
As with any program, ideas will change and evolve as the year goes on. Please feel free to call or email us with any suggestions you might have. On behalf of the Capac Jr. - Sr. High School staff, Welcome to Capac!
Helpful Links
Office Hours are 7:30-4:00 pm
Office Phone 810-395-3800
Attendance Line, 810-395-3850
Fax 810-395-2427
541 N. Glassford St., P.O. Box 610, Capac, MI. 48014
School begins at 8:00am and dismisses at 2:55 pm. Half-days dismiss at 11:15 am.
Damien Pepin, Principal
Amanda Hovey, Athletic Director
Holly Lentine - High School Counselor
Coreena Malburg, Attendance Clerk
Shawn Muter, Office Manager