Due to the expected freezing rain and icy side roads Capac Community Schools will be closed Tuesday, 1/23. Latchkey, daycare, athletics, and all other activities are closed/canceled for the day. Stay safe and warm!
Due to the expected frigid temperatures overnight Capac Community Schools will be closed Wednesday, 1/17. Latchkey, daycare, and all other activities are closed/canceled for the day. Stay safe and warm!
From Interim Superintendent Nelson
"Capac families, out of an abundance of caution regarding incoming inclement weather, all after-school and evening activities are canceled for Friday, 1/12/24. Latchkey will remain open its normal hours. Stay safe and warm!"
A reminder that there will be no school on Monday, January 15th. Teachers have Professional Development.
Snowcoming spirit week is next week!
Good Evening,
Tonight's Varsity Boy's Basketball game against Landmark has been canceled by Landmark. However, the JV game will still be played at 6:00 pm.
A reminder that there is no school from November 22nd-24th. School resumes on November 27th at 8:00 a.m.
Jr.-Sr. High Picture Retakes will be on 11/7
Come on out and support the Lady Chiefs as they compete against Brown City in the Volleyball District Final game today, November 3rd, starting at 5 p.m. Doors open at 4 p.m. Tickets are $7.00 and can be purchased through Go Fan, https://gofan.co/app/school/MI9904
Go Chiefs!
The Brown City vs Capac Chiefs Volleyball District Final game on Friday, November 3rd has been rescheduled to start at 5 PM.
Go Chiefs!
October is Michigan College Month. These colleges are waiving application fees this month.
Check out this link for the Blue Water College Access October 2023 Newsletter
Come join us for PEAK's Annual Trunk or Treat on October 27th in the Bus Loop at Capac Elementary School from 6-7:30 pm
UPDATE: Today's Freshman Volleygame at Brown City has been changed to a 5 p.m. start time. The JV game and then the Varsity game will follow. Due to the time change, the bus will now leave at 4:00 p.m.
Elementary students will be participating in a Halloween costume parade on October 31st at 1:30 p.m. in the Bus Loop. If it is raining, the parade will be moved inside the Cafetorium. Students should not wear masks, or bring face paint and colored hair spray to school. Also, costumes must not include weapons of any kind and must be school-appropriate.
Here is an update from Supt. Terpenning regarding completed and scheduled projects in Bond 2022. You can check out pictures of some projects on our Bond 2022 Update page at https://www.capacschools.us/page/bond-2022-update
Capac Community Schools is hosting a Veteran's Day Continental Breakfast, on Friday, November 10th at 8:30 a.m. in the Cafetorium.
Don't forget there is a half-day tomorrow (10-11) with dismissal at 11:15 a.m. Teachers will meet for PD in the afternoon.
This year's Elementary School Book Fair will be from October 23rd through the 27th. We will also be open during the Trunk or Treat in the Cafetorium.
Here is the link to our bookfair page-
The Capac Homecoming Parade is today beginning at 5:00 p.m. Come on out and support our parade participants and show your Capac Spirit! Capac Strong!